Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Crafty Basset

We have been cleaning out are house and one of the thing that needed to be gone threw and thrown out  or even burned was my yarn stash!! Yes I will admit I have a yarn problem. When people tell me they have yarn to give away I take it! I don't even care if it is sixty years old and maroon. 

So I got rid of a bag full of yarn and guess who found it!

What am I going to do with him!? 

Miss J and Leo 

P.S. I am still finding yarn in the weirdest places!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Good Afternoon from Leo

Well Leo has taken his two hour morning nap and now he is working on his two hour afternoon nap!
Bassets are the best if you are the kind of person who likes a dog that will want to play for a hour and then will take naps with you.

Poor baby!

Leo take at least 5 naps a day and he plays for maybe an hour in between naps.

Warning: Content is just too cute!

See you tomorrow

Miss J 


Sunday, August 25, 2013

Welcome to Blue Basset

Thank you for visiting Blue Basset!!

 This blog will only be about my buddy, Leo.

Is he cute or what?

 Hope you enjoy this blog and don't forget to subscribe.

 Miss J